Tuesday, 3 November 2015

November '15

The diary blog page of Blake (#73) and Sean Muir (#74), brothers, former Sutherland Seahawk players and now Baylor Football offensive linemen.

November 13th 2015,

Here is a great inside look at the locker room and uniform stores for the Baylor football team.

November 12th 2015,

Baylor are ranked #6 in the College Football Playoff poll for the 2nd straight week. The mantra is, 'win out'; same as it was to start the year.

With the improved competitiveness over the last few weeks from Oklahoma, this week's game has taken on greater significance and pre-game anticipation. Oklahoma (8-1) are ranked #12, having played one less game than Baylor.

The game will be featured on College Game Day and be shown in Australia live 12.30pm on Sunday on ESPN.

Blake's bodyweight is staying solid at 315lb from day to day which is pretty much what was planned. His wrist will be taped this week after spraining it last week vs Kansas State but its merely the usual kind of thing that happens this deep into the season.

November 7th 2015,

A couple of plays from yesterdays game.

Not much to do for Blake on this but this was a great throw by QB Jarett Stidham off the power look.

Kansas State Wildcats vs Baylor Bears 11-05-2015

Another throw off the power play. Baylor's offense did a lot of different things in the Kansas State game.

Kansas State Wildcats vs Baylor Bears 11-05-2015

A good example of how sometimes when you're at the point of attack you need to keep your feet moving and lean into it for as many yards as possible.

Kansas State Wildcats vs Baylor Bears 11-05-2015

If the pass rusher wants to go inside..... then take him there and stick him in the dirt.

Kansas State Wildcats vs Baylor Bears 11-05-2015

Here is another power play. The defender does the right thing and 'wrong shoulders' Blake. Blake then counters with digging him out so he doesn't fall further into the running lane.

Kansas State Wildcats vs Baylor Bears 11-05-2015

Effect the 2nd level, even if they don't want any of it.

Kansas State Wildcats vs Baylor Bears 11-05-2015

Lastly, a great way to finish things off.

Kansas State Wildcats vs Baylor Bears 11-05-2015

November 6th 2015,

And then they're back on the plane for the ride home. Baylor wins a tighter game 31-24 at Kansas State and are now 8-0 for the season. Details here.

Well its game day. Unfortunately the game isn't actually being shown in Australia so its streaming. Check out this link to the Big 12 site.

Team has arrived in 'The Little Apple', pics below.

November 4th 2015,

November!?! How did we get here so fast? Is it really just six weeks till the end of semester? Blake graduates in six weeks, family will visit, hopefully their able to see the Texas game as well. 5 years has gone by...... at pretty much the speed that 5 years usually goes by.

Its good to see that Blake is still faring well compared to his peers. Spencer Drango is accumulating award mentions at record pace. The latest acknowledgement is for the Wueffel Award, one award that goes beyond just playing skills and conduct but also community service. This goes with the Outland Trophy and Rotary Lombardi Award.

The team leaves for Manhattan, Kansas on wednesday for the Friday night game vs Kansas State. QB Jarrett Stidham will make his first start for the injured Seth Russell. That has been the big news of course but the Baylor will attempt to roll forward with the season regardless. Kickoff time will be 11.30am in Sydney on Friday morning.

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